Deterioration of sexual function in adulthood is an absolutely normal stage of physiological aging of the body. However, we are talking about a decline, not a complete loss of potency. Impotence after 50 years is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle, advanced diseases and bad habits. But even in this case, it is possible and necessary to combat the problem with both medication and alternative methods of treatment.
Causes of impotence in adulthood
A decline in sexual function in adulthood is due to a reduced synthesis of male sex hormones. In some men this happens after 50 years, in others after 60, but sooner or later everyone experiences a decline in androgen production.
Changes in hormone levels in adulthood are a natural process that occurs as the body ages. With a decrease in androgen production, potency weakens and sexual function decreases, but not its complete absence.
Impotence or erectile dysfunction after 50 years is a disease that can and should be treated. According to doctors, it is too early for a man to neglect himself at the age of 50, since at this age you can have an active sex life and even become a father, but only if you pay close attention to your own health.
Thus, changes in hormone levels have a negative effect on potency, but in a healthy man such changes lead to a deterioration in sexual function, but not to impotence. For the development of complete sexual impotence, natural changes are not enough, therefore the disease develops in the presence of complicating factors.

The causes of impotence after 50 years are various diseases and a poor lifestyle. These include:
- Diseases of the genitourinary system;
- physical inactivity;
- hypertonic disease;
- diabetes mellitus;
- Thyroid diseases;
- cerebrovascular diseases;
- Obesity.
It is necessary to consider each of the possible causes in more detail in order to understand the origins of the development of potency problems.
Prostate diseases take the first place among the causes of early impotence. Congestive prostatitis is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction.
The disease arises due to a violation of the outflow of prostate secretions. The result is non-infectious inflammation of the organ. With prostatitis, the tone of the bladder changes, the urethra narrows, urodynamics and the movement of prostate secretions are disrupted. Congestion disrupts the normal circulatory process of the pelvic organs, including blood flow to the penis. All these processes initially lead to a weakening of the erection and then to complete sexual impotence. The same phenomena are observed in prostate adenomas and some inflammatory diseases of the testicles.
Obesity and physical inactivity are two enemies of a normal erection. These diseases lead to the development of congestion in the pelvic organs and, over time, lead to erectile dysfunction.
A special place is occupied by arterial hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Impaired blood circulation primarily affects the blood supply to the lower part of the body. Heart failure occurs when blood flow to the penis is disrupted. In arterial hypertension, erectile dysfunction is caused less by constantly elevated blood pressure and more by taking medication to control blood pressure. Drugs that lower blood pressure have a negative effect on male sexual function. The most commonly cited side effect of such medications is impotence.
In diabetes mellitus, nerve conduction and blood circulation in the lower part of the body are impaired. This happens with a decompensated form of the disease and improper treatment of diabetes. Constantly elevated glucose levels disrupt the structure of blood vessels and can be one of the causes of erectile dysfunction in middle-aged men.
Dysfunction or overactivity of the thyroid leads to changes in hormone levels. Erectile dysfunction is equally common in both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. In addition to impotence, these diseases are accompanied by a number of symptoms of dysfunction of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Any cerebrovascular disorder leads to a disruption in the conduction of nerve impulses. Multiple sclerosis, spinal cord diseases, severe spinal injuries - all this can lead to a decrease in erection and its complete absence.
The causes of the development of the disorder largely determine the treatment regimen for impotence in men after 50 years of age.

Signs of sexual impotence
A distinction must be made between early impotence and age-related decline in sexual function. In the first case, the symptoms of impotence appear suddenly after 50 years, in the second case there is a slow deterioration in potency up to complete dysfunction.
Signs of impotence in men aged 50 will help you self-diagnose sexual impotence. These include:
- weakening of erection or its complete absence;
- gradual loss of erection during sexual intercourse with the impossibility of completing it;
- Inability to have sexual intercourse due to insufficient penis enlargement;
- reduced or complete absence of sexual desire for the opposite sex.
The presence of at least one of the listed symptoms is a good reason to see a doctor.
It is important to remember that impotence and its symptoms at the age of 50 may be a temporary phenomenon. The symptoms listed are a variant of the norm for men who have just experienced a serious illness and have been taking potency-reducing drugs (antihypertensives) for a long time. Temporary sexual impotence can also be caused by psychological problems, frequent stress and an unfavorable atmosphere in the family.
Only a doctor can accurately diagnose impotence and, after a comprehensive diagnosis, select the optimal treatment regimen.
How do I deal with the problem?
As the years go by, the risk of developing impotence increases. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with impotence at age 50 or older. Since in the vast majority of cases a deterioration in sexual function is due to the presence of diseases, a comprehensive examination of the body is required. Measures to restore erection should only be used after treating the underlying disease that led to impotence.
Prostatitis occupies a leading position among the causes of impotence. This disease can be asymptomatic for a long time, so timely treatment is often not provided. If the doctor has diagnosed inflammation of the prostate, long-term complex treatment is required. Adequate treatment of the underlying disease restores normal potency.
If you suffer from arterial hypertension, you should consult a cardiologist to replace your medications with gentler medications. They are antihypertensive drugs that often lead to impotence.
Restoration of erection occurs with the help of medications and folk remedies. In addition, a man needs to reconsider his lifestyle.

Sexual enhancers
The drug therapy depends on the cause of the potency weakness. For treatment:
- phosphodiesterase inhibitors (fast-acting medicines);
- selective alpha-2 blockers.
- nutritional supplements and homeopathy;
- hormonal medications.
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors are well-known quick-acting pills. Such drugs have a pronounced effect, contribute to the rapid achievement of an erection, but have a number of contraindications. The main requirement for taking such pills is the presence of sexual attraction to the opposite sex. In the case of psychological impotence, when a man does not feel attracted to his partner, such drugs are ineffective.

Another disadvantage is that fast-acting medications cannot cure impotence. They eliminate the main symptom, flaccid erection, for a certain period of time. When the pill no longer works, the erection disappears.
Selective alpha-2 blockers are powerful aphrodisiacs. A drug in this group stimulates blood flow to the penis due to its effect on the central nervous system. The mechanism of action of the drug is similar to the action of tablets, although the drugs belong to different groups.
Hormonal drugs that affect testosterone synthesis are prescribed only by a doctor. It is advisable to use drugs in this group for endocrine and hormonal disorders, but with normal hormone production, such drugs can be harmful. The disadvantage of all hormonal drugs is a large list of contraindications and side effects.
A safe way to treat impotence yourself is to take nutritional supplements. These medications are not medicines, but act like vitamins. Dietary supplements improve blood supply to the penis, have a positive effect on hormone levels and gradually improve erection. The disadvantage of dietary supplements is the long time they take. Such drugs are effective only if there are no pathological causes of erectile dysfunction. Against the background of stress and overwork, it is advisable to take dietary supplements as an independent remedy, however, impotence due to prostatitis or diabetes mellitus cannot be cured with dietary supplements.
The most popular dietary supplements for potency:
- Peruvian Maca;
- Lovelace Forte;
- The Emperor's Secret;
- Golden Horse.
The selection of dietary supplements should be balanced and sensible. Before you start taking it, you must read the instructions and study the composition. You should only take proven herbal preparations.
home remedies
Effective folk remedies for potency are various decoctions and infusions with a tonic effect.
Very often you can find recommendations for the use of St. John's wort. In fact, this plant is poisonous and can cause poisoning with prolonged use. St. John's wort has anti-inflammatory properties, but its effect on potency remains questionable. This remedy can be taken for prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system, but in small courses. Directly for the treatment of impotence it is better to give preference to other means.
An effective and safe traditional medicine is an infusion of ginseng root. The plant has a tonic effect and acts as an aphrodisiac, so its positive effect on potency leaves no doubt. You can take either an alcohol tincture (10 drops twice a day) or a decoction. To prepare a decoction, pour a large spoonful of roots with a glass of boiling water and cook for half an hour. After cooling, the product is filtered and taken in two large spoonfuls twice a day. The duration of treatment is three weeks.
The juice of celery stalks or a decoction from the root help to increase potency. To prepare the decoction, grind 30 g of root and boil it in a glass of water for 10 minutes.
This way you will maintain your potency well into old age
It is possible to restore potency, but this requires long-term treatment. It is much easier to prevent the development of impotence if you follow a few simple rules:
- be less nervous;
- get rid of bad habits;
- do sports regularly;
- Get some fresh air more often.
- have sex regularly;
- Healthy food;
- Treat all diseases in a timely manner.
You should include more antioxidant foods in your diet. Every day a man should eat at least one citrus fruit - an orange or grapefruit. They contain antioxidants and tonic. Several times a week you need to eat celery and garlic, add honey and walnuts to your diet. Tomatoes and pumpkin seeds are good for men's health. Testosterone production increases with the consumption of red meat, but you should not abuse it as you age. The permissible norm is about 200 g of meat per day.
Prevention must begin at a young age. By making lifestyle changes at age 30, a man can stay healthy well into old age.